NRA Pistol Silhouette Club
Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club
Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association
Phoenix, Arizona
** Last updated on , Dec 16,2024 **

Schedule    Match Results Classified Ads
     22BPCR        MATCH FEES

Jan 19, March 16, April 20, May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17, Sept 21, Dec 21

 $10.00 Members $15 non members

Brief History of Our Club


    Paloma Ferrea (Iron Dove) Pistol Club was organized in the spring of 1974 in Phoenix Arizona. The intent was to import the sport of Rifle Silhouette into the realm of pistol shooting. While this had already been done for large caliber pistols and pistols firing rifle cartridges over a course of fire out to 200 yards, it had not been done for smaller pistol calibers. Consequently, steel targets were scaled down to meet a standard at 40 yards for the Chickens (Gallina), 50 yards for the Pigs (Javelina), 75 yards for the Turkeys (Guajalote) and 100 yards for the Rams (Borrego). There are considerable differences of opinion as to where this new game was first conceived. El Paso and Tucson also claim this honor.

    Over the years, matches took place at Black Canyon Range (It is now Ben Avery Shooting Facility), Sportsman’s Rod & Gun Club <Skunk Creek> and Buckeye Hills Recreational Area.

Finally, we got a permanent home at Black Canyon Range after shooting on the Small Bore Range there for several years. Matches in Arizona were also held in several other cities; Tucson, Page, Safford, Payson, Prescott, Douglas, Sierra Vista, Nogales, Tombstone, Yuma come to mind.

    Gradually the sport became recognized by the N.R.A. (National Rifle Association) and divided into the four types of shooting that we call “Hunter's Pistol Silhouette” today. Center Fire Pistol, open and any sight, Rim-fire open and any sights. Most all ranges and targets are now scaled in meters with a minimum target distance of 40 meters.  

    Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club , insured and affiliated with the N.R.A. and the ASR&PA (Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association). We have hosted many State Championships and we welcome informal “Challenges” from other clubs.

Please send your comments or questions to Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club.

Thank you!!

Safety First, next and always!

Everyone is a safety officer. Report unsafe activity to a club official.

Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club , Phoenix Arizona, USA