Hot Shots

Monthly Newsletter of the Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club, Inc. ~ ~ Aug 12., 2012






Hi Folks,


Our September match is this Sunday, the 9th.


We had a good turnout in August considering how hot it was. All the diehards were there, which was great to see. We hustled thru pretty quickly and were probably done by 11:30.         


Dale was our scope gun match winner with a 28 and Alan Hartman was nipping at his heals with a 27.


Dale shot a 25 to become the iron sight match winner.   Jim McCrank was right there with a nice 23.


Jim McCrank was the winner of the Revolver challenge with an actual 16 and net score of 21. Nice shooting Jim.   


Fred had a 30 actual to net a 35 in the lever gun challenge to win that event. That was the high score of the day.



  Make sure you bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.  We will get the match started right on schedule to beat the heat a bit.


Summer hours so practice starts at 8:00am and the match at 9:00am.


Hope to see you this Sunday.


Al Kuenn 
