Hot Shots

Monthly Newsletter of the Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club, Inc. ~ ~ Feb 14, 2016








Hi Folks,

Hope to see you all at the April match this Sunday.  This is our cook out and awards match. 

Please bring a side dish or snack to share if you like.  We will have water, but please bring whatever you would like to drink with your lunch. 

Remember the pop machine is no longer there.


We traditionally have a bit of a swap meet, so please bring your guns and accessories that you might like to sell. 

If you send me a list of guns that you have for sale, I will send them out in a separate email on Friday.


  Here are the results from our last match:


Our scope sight match winner was Edgar Sims with a 29.  Next closest were Pete and I with 27.


Chuck Zufall. was the iron sight match winner with a 23. Next closest was Dale Mayer with a 20.


I shot 10 in a row pigs and Edgar shot 10 in a row rams.  It has been a while since anyone has done that to the rams.


Zach won the revolver challenge with a 13 score and a 27 net. 


Charles Blackhawk won the lever gun challenge with a 27 score and a 32 net.  Good shooting Charles.


Remember, we are now on Summer hours! So practice starts at 8:00am and the match at 9:00am. 


See you this coming Sunday.


Al Kuenn 
