Hot Shots Monthly Newsletter of the Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club, Inc. ~ ~ June 10, 2012 |
Hi Folks,
It’s hard to believe it’s time for the July match already.
We had pretty good weather-- as in not unbearably hot-- for the match in
June. Dale Mayer was our
scope gun match winner with a 32 which included 10 rams.
Its been a while since I can remember anyone shooting 10 in a row
rams. Nice job Dale!
Jim McCrank was our iron sight match winner with a very nice score of 26.
Jim, I may not have announced you as match winner during the awards
presentation, so remind me if you did not get your free shoot card. Good
shooting Jim!
Dale Mayer was the winner of the Revolver challenge with an actual and net
score of 23. Nice shooting Dale.
Terry Riley had a 24 actual to net a 34 in the levergun challenge to win
that event.
It will be hot this weekend, but we should avoid the 110 stuff.
Make sure you bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.
We will get the match started right on schedule to beat the heat a
Summer hours so practice starts at 8:00am and the match at 9:00am.
Hope to see you this Sunday.
Al Kuenn