Hot Shots

Monthly Newsletter of the Paloma Ferrea Pistol Club, Inc. ~ ~ January 09, 2008



Oopppss! The weather just wouldn’t cooperate. In spite of my numerous calls to AL Gore to deliver some of that “Global Warming” in a timely manner to Ben Avery Shooten’ Facility. Cold, Damp and then Wind just didn’t add up to an enjoyable outdoor experience. So, unfortunately the match for December was canceled. We did have a few minutes of practice and waited awhile in the fond hope that Al would deliver some warmth and calm. No joy. We’ll try again in January on the 13th.  

    On Friday the 18th. And Saturday the 19th. of January there will be a Fish & Game Commission meeting at 5000 W. Carefree Highway at the new Headquarters Building. This meeting will cover several items of interest to shooters, particularly at Ben Avery Shooting Facility. If you are able to attend these meetings, please let Shelley know that you are going and take a sharp pencil and yellow pad with you. Go to this hyperlink to view the agenda:

    The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association is looking for volunteers to fill several positions with the Association. Needed are a Mercantile Director, Central Area Director and Staff Editor for the Bullet Trap, Acting Secretary and Treasurer. Contact Landis Aden at for details. Help out your State Association by volunteering. If you are not a member, you should be! Please sign up now.

    If you are organizing your schedule for 2008, mark your calendar on May 3~4 for the 2008 ASRPA Annual Meeting and Banquet. Details to follow in this column. Also, the A.S.R.P.A. board meeting is this Saturday the 12th. at Sportsman’s Warehouse in N. Phoenix at 10am. Go and volunteer your much-needed services.

    That’s all for now. Match is this Sunday the 13th. on winter hours. Gates open around 8~8:30am. Practice around 9~9:15am and match begins at 10am sharp. Come on out early and practice and check those zeros. See you then.

